Plug Valves

Double Block & Bleed Plug Valve
To achieve the Double Block and Bleed combination, a drainage connection into the plug cavity is added by drilling and tapping through the bottom of the valve body. FluoroSeal® Double

Fluoroseal Jacketed Plug Valves
The bolt-on Fully Jacketed Plug Valve with standard flanges eliminates the need to oversize piping flanges, translating into tremendous savings for the user. Among other features, the ease of installation

FluoroSeal Lined Plug Valves
FluoroSeal® Lined Plug Valves use high precision investment casting method for all major pressure holding components. The standard base model offers a carbon steel body, plug, and cover (ASTM A216

FluoroSeal Plug Valves SEVERE SERVICE (FE)
SEVERE SERVICE (FE)FluoroSeal Inc. developed the Severe Service (FE) Sleeved Plug Valve for tight emission control. Intended for applications in processes involving thermal cycling or a high number of mechanical

Franklin Double Block And Bleed Plug Valve
Frankin Duraseal Plug Valve – Double Block and Bleed – Mechanical seal- bubble tight. – Allow operators the ability to isolate a process line and test from the valve. –

Full Port ECCENTRIC Plug Valve
The Henry Pratt criteria of quality, reliability, safety and value are embodied in the Ballcentric® Eccentric valve, setting higher standards for dependable performance with excellent features achieved by the utilization of the very latest design and manufacturing techniques.

Quality, reliability, safety, and value are Henry Pratt Company’s criteria embodied in the Multi-Port plug valve.

OpEXL Eccentric Plug Valve
High-performance eccentric plug valve for a wide range of applications.

Plug Valve Ballcentric
14” AND LARGER BALLCENTRIC® Plug Valve Henry Pratt Company’s criteria of quality, reliability, safety, and value are embodied in the Ballcentric® plug valve, setting higher standards for dependable performance with excellent features achieved by the utilization of the very latest design and manufacturing techniques.

Plug Valve BALLCENTRIC ½” – 2”
Henry Pratt Company’s criteria of quality, reliability, safety, and value are embodied in the Ballcentric® Plug Valve setting higher standards for dependable performance with excellent features achieved by the utilization of the very latest design and manufacturing techniques.

Plug Valve Henry Pratt Company’s criteria of quality, reliability, safety, and value are embodied in the Ballcentric® plug valve, setting higher standards for dependable performance with excellent features achieved by the utilization of the very latest design and manufacturing techniques.

Plug Valve BALLCENTRIC 2½” – 12”
The Henry Pratt criteria of quality, reliability, safety, and value are embodied in the Ballcentric® plug valve, setting higher standards for dependable performance with excellent features achieved by the utilization of the very latest design and manufacturing techniques.